One Shot World

One Shot World is written by Yochai Gal and uses the Creative Commons 4.0 license.

# Configure Rolls
rollFormula = "2d6"

# Configure stat toggle label and formula modifier.
  label = "Disability"
  modifier = "-1"
# Define roll result ranges.
    range = "6-"
    label = "Miss"
    range = "7-9"
    label = "Partial Success"
    range = "10+"
    label = "Success!"

## CHARACTERS ##########################
# Define the character group.

  # Define stats.
    str = "STR"
    int = "INT"
    con = "CON"
    dex = "DEX"
    wis = "WIS"
    cha = "CHA"

  # Define attributes.
      type = "Resource"
      label = "Hit Points"

      type = "Number"
      label = "Armor"
      type = "Roll"
      default = "d4"
      type = "Xp"
      label = "Xp"
      max = 4

  # Define sidebar details.
      type = "LongText"
      label = "Look"
      type = "LongText"
      label = "Personal Goal"
      type = "LongText"
      label = "Drives"
      type = "LongText"
      label = "A Memory that made you"
      type = "LongText"
      label = "Area Knowledge"

  # Define groups for moves.
    basic = "Basic Moves"
    class = "Class Moves"
    advances = "Advances"

  # Define groups for equipment.
    gear = "Starting Gear"
    optional = "Optional Gear"

## NPCS ################################
# Define stats.
  # Define attributes.
      type = "Resource"
      label = "HP"
      type = "Number"
      label = "Armor"
      type = "Roll"
      label = "Damage"
      default = "d6"
      type = "LongText"
      label = "Traits"
      type = "LongText"
      label = "Intinct"
      type = "LongText"
      label = "Knacks"

  # Define logical groups for moves.
    gm = "GM Moves"

Last updated